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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Are you on Guard?

Look all around you,do you see what is happening? The revelation of the end time is gradually setting out, are you ready? have you decided where you will spend eternal life?, have you set your life towards  your choice of where to spend your eternal life?
 Brothers and sisters BE ON GUARD. Our saviour Jesus Christ is coming soon.The coming of the saviour is near. Do not let down your guard for the saviour is close.Do not lose out yourself and fall into temptation thinking that the saviour is far away.
   Brethren what would you gain enjoying your present life in sin and after your turmoils on earth,you wouldn't live in eternal peace but instead you will live in eternal suffering and pain?
   Your creator cries out for you now,he is stretching out his hand for you to hold so he can lead you through the right path that leads to his kingdom.
 Brethren remember!!!!!!!!!!!,you only have the salvation to repent and follow the path of your saviour now that you are living,for when death comes that salvation is not granted to you.
                                      Jesus loves you.

Bible references;
Mark 13 : 33 - 36

Is God the light of your life?

Saturday 27 August 2016

Do you know who is your life supporter?

We think the life we find ourselves living every morning when we wake up from the night's short death is all of our own making .
Have ever asked yourself what really happens to you when you fall asleep?
Where you soul drifts to?
What protects your spirit and leads it back to your body?
What  wakes you up in the morning?
Who is this life supporter?
Who has taken up this job to lead your spirit in and out of you?

 The answer is Jesus Christ. He is your only life supporter.He has taken up this job to protect you in all your ways as he promised  in Psalm 91:3-6  to protect you and keep you safe from all dangers...Jesus loves and cares for you, he is keeping to his own promise on your life,he always gives you reasons to trust,believe and serve him with all you have. Why don't you give him all he wants from you? Why don't you love him full heartedly and submit to his will as he wants you to?
Remember this life protector of yours wants you to be a life protector of one another's soul on earth by winning souls to him while you still live on earth.Be a soul winner,preach to the world about your Life protector.He deserves it and you can be able to do that for him.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Sunday 21 August 2016

Read this wonderful message God has for you today.

God will grant your heart desires and fulfill all your plans as he promised in Psalm 20:4.
 But he wants to let you know that in your  plans,do not be anxious to get answers from him.He told you through his scriptures that he never sleeps neither does he slumber and he never tired of hearing your praise.Why not wait on him?
   His silence doesn't last for a long time.We as humans believe his silence is to test our faith,but could that really be so with him..Remember the ways of God can never be the ways  of man,his thoughts for us,may not be our thoughts.  Wait on the lord with prayer and supplication to him as the scripture says in the boook of  Philippians 4:6 ;  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by  prayers and supplication with  thanksgiving let your requests be known to God".
 God feeds on your prayers and thanksgiving. A thankful heart,is a blessed heart and a blessed heart is a heart that never lacks because the light of God shines on it.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Do you know the best tree that can ever grow in your life?

Life without Jesus is more like being alive without a soul, it feels like sowing a seed without seeing a plant shooting out of the soil.This ofcourse has nothing to show because the seed is not germinating out fruit for the sower.This situation cannot make the seed sower happy because as expected a sower is only happy when he sees a good output of his labour..Jesus is the sower and we are his seeds,he wants us to produce good output for him but we as the seeds keep rejecting the essential nutrients required for our growth..He keeps watering us and manuring us with his words and servants that preach salvation to us but
in  return what do we do,we fall deaf ears to his words,we act like seeds that rejects the nutrients applied on it for it's growth and allow bad nutrients to hinder our growth..
 We as Christians should allow the most essential tree to grow out of our
life by marrying the words of God..His word is life and his word is the best tree that can grow in your life to yield you good fruits..

Friday 19 August 2016

Want to know the three words that gladdens the heart of God?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone thanks you for a little help shown to him/her? If yes,then you know how it feels to be appreciated for your good deeds.
  The good God has done wonders in our life,both the seen and unseen but most of us forget to appreciate him in Thanksgiving.
The three most important word we must say to our God everyday of our life no matter the situation we find ourself in is.

His Word

The bible is always here for you to help in all situations of your life..

Good bible verses that can help you in some situations you find yourself in..Remember prayer is the key..

Have you ever asked yourself what the greatest enemy of your soul is?

As christain, our flesh acts as the greatest enemy soul. Our flesh creates a barrier to our close communication to God and on the otherhand creates a link between our soul and the devil.

  Saying No to the flesh and its earthly desires, cravings and wants is the only way to conquer the flesh. The flesh has a strong force that controls it which makes it lead the soul astray. Conquering the flesh cannot be only of your own doing but with the grace of our Lord Jesus and you can achieve it through prayers and closer communication with God.The scripture say " No one can overcome indwelling sin without indwelling in God".When you allow God to come into your heart and soul,he lives in you and directs your life but when you  allow the Devil in your heart,your flesh becomes super-active and dominates the soul living the flesh weak .
Bible reference:Romans 7:17-25.
 In this scriptures God explains the fight between the flesh and the soul and also gives us the solution to this fight which is prayers and developing good communication with God..
The place of eternal rest for you soul is in your hands..HEAVEN OR HELL? ETERNAL JOY/PEACEFUL REST

Thursday 18 August 2016

When life gives you a reason to wish death.There is only one person who gives you hope.Who?

Life in Jesus gives peace and calmness in the mind. It gives us reasons to live on because it makes us feel our life has a purpose it needs to accomplish for God.Facing the challenges life throws towards us with our own strength only makes us subject to the turmoils of life.Remember Jesus has offered himself to us freely as a resting shoulder for all our problems and fears. He is the only one who will give a safe life with no pains, no hardships, no sickness and no regrets.The good lord cares for you but he needs your permission to care, he loves you but your permission is needed for him to show you love.You are the  sole determinant of how you want your life to be, who rules and governs you life, who drives your life and who perfects your imperfection as human..
Why dont you choose the Lord Jesus as a Life Director, why dont you give in fully to his saving grace and divine direction. Remeber Lord Jesus never forsakes his own, he may silent for a while but never forever. Life in Jesus is a wonderful experience embodied with heavenly blessing but life without Jesus is bad and very painful. The state of your life is in your hands.
Put a stop to your worries by embracing the saviour Jesus christ.... Welcome to my Blog.