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Friday 19 August 2016

Have you ever asked yourself what the greatest enemy of your soul is?

As christain, our flesh acts as the greatest enemy soul. Our flesh creates a barrier to our close communication to God and on the otherhand creates a link between our soul and the devil.

  Saying No to the flesh and its earthly desires, cravings and wants is the only way to conquer the flesh. The flesh has a strong force that controls it which makes it lead the soul astray. Conquering the flesh cannot be only of your own doing but with the grace of our Lord Jesus and you can achieve it through prayers and closer communication with God.The scripture say " No one can overcome indwelling sin without indwelling in God".When you allow God to come into your heart and soul,he lives in you and directs your life but when you  allow the Devil in your heart,your flesh becomes super-active and dominates the soul living the flesh weak .
Bible reference:Romans 7:17-25.
 In this scriptures God explains the fight between the flesh and the soul and also gives us the solution to this fight which is prayers and developing good communication with God..
The place of eternal rest for you soul is in your hands..HEAVEN OR HELL? ETERNAL JOY/PEACEFUL REST

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