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Saturday 27 August 2016

Do you know who is your life supporter?

We think the life we find ourselves living every morning when we wake up from the night's short death is all of our own making .
Have ever asked yourself what really happens to you when you fall asleep?
Where you soul drifts to?
What protects your spirit and leads it back to your body?
What  wakes you up in the morning?
Who is this life supporter?
Who has taken up this job to lead your spirit in and out of you?

 The answer is Jesus Christ. He is your only life supporter.He has taken up this job to protect you in all your ways as he promised  in Psalm 91:3-6  to protect you and keep you safe from all dangers...Jesus loves and cares for you, he is keeping to his own promise on your life,he always gives you reasons to trust,believe and serve him with all you have. Why don't you give him all he wants from you? Why don't you love him full heartedly and submit to his will as he wants you to?
Remember this life protector of yours wants you to be a life protector of one another's soul on earth by winning souls to him while you still live on earth.Be a soul winner,preach to the world about your Life protector.He deserves it and you can be able to do that for him.

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