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Thursday 18 August 2016

When life gives you a reason to wish death.There is only one person who gives you hope.Who?

Life in Jesus gives peace and calmness in the mind. It gives us reasons to live on because it makes us feel our life has a purpose it needs to accomplish for God.Facing the challenges life throws towards us with our own strength only makes us subject to the turmoils of life.Remember Jesus has offered himself to us freely as a resting shoulder for all our problems and fears. He is the only one who will give a safe life with no pains, no hardships, no sickness and no regrets.The good lord cares for you but he needs your permission to care, he loves you but your permission is needed for him to show you love.You are the  sole determinant of how you want your life to be, who rules and governs you life, who drives your life and who perfects your imperfection as human..
Why dont you choose the Lord Jesus as a Life Director, why dont you give in fully to his saving grace and divine direction. Remeber Lord Jesus never forsakes his own, he may silent for a while but never forever. Life in Jesus is a wonderful experience embodied with heavenly blessing but life without Jesus is bad and very painful. The state of your life is in your hands.
Put a stop to your worries by embracing the saviour Jesus christ.... Welcome to my Blog.

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