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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Are you on Guard?

Look all around you,do you see what is happening? The revelation of the end time is gradually setting out, are you ready? have you decided where you will spend eternal life?, have you set your life towards  your choice of where to spend your eternal life?
 Brothers and sisters BE ON GUARD. Our saviour Jesus Christ is coming soon.The coming of the saviour is near. Do not let down your guard for the saviour is close.Do not lose out yourself and fall into temptation thinking that the saviour is far away.
   Brethren what would you gain enjoying your present life in sin and after your turmoils on earth,you wouldn't live in eternal peace but instead you will live in eternal suffering and pain?
   Your creator cries out for you now,he is stretching out his hand for you to hold so he can lead you through the right path that leads to his kingdom.
 Brethren remember!!!!!!!!!!!,you only have the salvation to repent and follow the path of your saviour now that you are living,for when death comes that salvation is not granted to you.
                                      Jesus loves you.

Bible references;
Mark 13 : 33 - 36

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