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Friday 2 September 2016

Knowing your real enemy.

We find ourselves fighting the wrong battles everyday.we find ourselves thinking that those we call our enemies are those we have to battle with on earth but have you taken time to ask yourself who exactly is my real enemy behind those who make themselves my enemy.who exactly pushes them to do they things the do for me to tag them my enemy?
If you have not asked yourself those question that means you have been fighting the wrong battle.Now its time for you to fight the right battle with your real enemy which is no one else but the devil.But you know what you defeat him and kick his butts over and over again because our Lord Jesus who is going to be your tool of battle had already defeated the devil and when you fight with him,through prayers and his words,VICTORY IS YOURS.
The scriptures says in 1st peter 5:8: "Be alert and of sober mind,your enemy the devil prowns around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour"
     It says your enemy which is the devil prowns around for souls,it prowns around looking for who to create enemity in between them,it prowns around to cause trouble,to bring problems,to steal someone's joy and it prowns around to remove the love of God and of one another from our hearts and makes us enemies amongst ourselves. Would you allow that?
 The Scriptures also says in John 10:10: "The thief(devil ) comes to steal,kill and destroy but come to me that I can give you life and give it abundance"
 Thanks be to our Lord Jesus who is always willing to help in our difficult situations,who is willing to help fight the battle our enemy brings to us,but brethren he is only telling you to come to him,"Come to me" as the scriptures says so that he indwell in you and help you fight and defeat this enemy that has stolen your joy,that makes you cry every now and then,that makes you give up on your own self.  Come to Jesus,accept him as your personal lord and saviour,go into your secret room and pray,though there is no magic in the location of prayer but the scripture says "go into your inner room and pray to God in secret,the lord who sees what's done in secret will hear you,reward you and answer your prayers."
          My brethren if you want victory,you must first surrender. Acknowledge God as your personal lord and saviour and he will surely be there when you need him most.Believe he is your lord and he will fulfil his will on you. Back off from the enemy (devil) and he will flee from you,tell the lord God to take over you.The scriptures says in James 4:7:" submit yourself to God,defeat the devil and he will flee from you"...    Resist that devil now,deprive it of the joy it is stealing from,stop it from creating enemity between people who God asked you to love which was one of the reason he paid that costly price for you  on the cross of Calvary,stop it from giving you the thoughts  that you have lost everything worth living for.  Remember it is the Lord Jesus who holds

 the key to your Joy, what a great warrior he is for he has defeated your greatest enemy so trust in him and speak of the great joy you find in him.The lord is calling on you this day,do not turn your back on him.
     Brethren, also learn to warn the devil against you everyday of your life in the name of Jesus Christ,which the devil also sees as his biggest enemy.Learn to command him out of your life when you notice his presence and negativity creeping inside you because when you give in to the devil he indwells in you and make you turn against the will of God in your life.
 Fight the real enemy with the right tools which is prayers and the word of God.

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