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Saturday 20 August 2016

Do you know the best tree that can ever grow in your life?

Life without Jesus is more like being alive without a soul, it feels like sowing a seed without seeing a plant shooting out of the soil.This ofcourse has nothing to show because the seed is not germinating out fruit for the sower.This situation cannot make the seed sower happy because as expected a sower is only happy when he sees a good output of his labour..Jesus is the sower and we are his seeds,he wants us to produce good output for him but we as the seeds keep rejecting the essential nutrients required for our growth..He keeps watering us and manuring us with his words and servants that preach salvation to us but
in  return what do we do,we fall deaf ears to his words,we act like seeds that rejects the nutrients applied on it for it's growth and allow bad nutrients to hinder our growth..
 We as Christians should allow the most essential tree to grow out of our
life by marrying the words of God..His word is life and his word is the best tree that can grow in your life to yield you good fruits..

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