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Sunday 9 October 2016

An act only acceptable within marriage not outside marriage.

The act of having  sex outside marriage is called Premarital sex.
      In our sex-saturated culture,many unmarried people especially teenagers feel pressured to be sexually active.The temptations now may be greater than ever because people are delaying marriage until in their 20s and 30s because the feel the can satisfy themselves at any time without minding if it is biblically acceptable  or not.
In biblical teachings, the privilege of having sex requires the commitment of marriage.The Apostle Paul throws more light on this in the book of 1st Corinthians 7:2. The bible undeniably condemns adultery and sexual immorality, but people always tend to ask themselves, is sex before marriage immoral?
1st Corinthians 7:2 answers "yes.But since there is so much immorality,each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband". In this verse, Paul states that marriage is the " cure" for sexual immorality because it is an act designed by God only for those joined in Holy matrimony as husband and wife. He also goes on to explain that if one cannot control the urge of indulging in immoral sin, you should make it moral by getting married.
 Brethren, sex within marriage is pleasurable and God designed it that way, no doubt about it. God wants men and women to enjoy sexual activity within the confines of marriage, not outside marriage.
 However, the couple must understand that God's intent for sex includes producing children.Thus, for a couple to engage in sex before marriage is doubly wrong -They are enjoying pleasures not intended for them, and they are taking a chance of creating a human life outside the family structure God intended for every child.
 Have you ever wondered if the bible's message on sex before marriage were obeyed,won't there be far fewer sexually transmitted diseases, far fewer abortions, far fewer unwed mothers and unwanted pregnancies and far fewer children growing up without both parents in their lives?. It may seem unavoidable but it can be.
Abstinence is God's only policy when it comes to sex before marriage. Abstinence saves lives, protects babies, gives sexual relations the proper value and most importantly, honours God.

  Say NO! to fornication and every form of immoral sin.

Friday 30 September 2016


We human have learnt to channel our prayers only to do ask for what we need God to do for us, we only go down on our knees in prayers only when we are so burdened by something in life and we need solutions immediately that we turn   to God in prayers, but that shouldn't be the only reason why we need to communicate with our God.Yes it is said in the scriptures that we should ask God for anything and he will grant it to us, we should  also call on our God through prayers and he will pay ears to our prayer and come to our aid. He promised us all these and he keeps keeping to his promise as the scriptures says but have you  ever asked yourself this very important questions......
 JOHN 15:7 says '' if you abide in me and my words abide in you,ask for whatever you wish and it will be done for you", this excerpt from the scriptures pinpoints on what God wants us to do for him so that our prayers can be answered.But are we doing such? are most of us abiding by his will and laws as the scriptures tells us to?. The answer is NO!! but we all want  answers to our prayers, fast answers I must say.
 Brethren, when praying,your prayers should not only be channeled to what you need from God, also ask for his grace to be able to his will so that your own will can be granted by him.   
When praying, DO YOU PRAY WITH THE WRONG MOTIVES?.This question is the major reason why most people experience cases I described as UNANSWERED PRAYERS, praying with the wrong motives makes God play deaf ears to your prayers no matter how hard we pray because he knows we are using the products of our prayers for the wrong reasons. JAMES 4:3 says; "You ask and do not receive because you ask wrong and spend it all on passions". Why should he answer prayers that will keep making you far away from his grace, that will make you relent in doing his will?
 God wants all of you,he wants your attention, he wants your undivided love, he wants your obedience, he wants your company and he wants your life. You can give him all that he asks of you.               

Sunday 25 September 2016

Abortion: Don't play God by taking life.

Every life deserves a life time.Every soul implanted into the womb of a woman deserves a life time. Abortion is a wicked act of growing life murder of which we humans play God by taking life.
  The rate at which abortion dominates the  society has become so terrible especially among youths who get themselves involved in premarital sin and every form of immorality of the flesh.Lives are taken due to mistakes we make when you can always wait till the appointed God given time to have bodily satisfaction to the brim of it...Why not wait till then?, have you ever thought about what that baby planted in your womb is destined to be?.Remember the scripture says in Jeremiah 1:5: before you were conceived I know what you will become" that child you are forcing out of you has been destined to become someone  in life, that child you are evacuating out cries out for help when it notices those harmful substance against its formation Pierces its place of formation. Each time you commit an abortion, Satan rejoices because it deterring the plan and art work of God as the creator..the devil always want to put a stop to everything that promotes the will of God and we should not allow that to happen by putting a stop those acts that pleases the devil such as Abortion.
  Brethren the formation of a child is the work of God and abortion is an attempt to destroy the work of God. The scripture says in Ecc 3:4 : "I know that,whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever, nothing can be put into it, nor anything taken from it and God doeth it and one should fear it". This scripture is telling us that God is eternal and so are his work and no one should attempt to put an end to his word. Abortion is an attempt to make a liar out of God by bringing an end to his work...In Mathew 10:28 the scripture says " you can destroy a persons body but not the persons soul" so if you have committed an abortion, you have destroyed a body which is the work of God but not the soul.
   Brethren, you can make a U-turn in your life today and put an end to this satanic means of  getting more souls to hell.God is always ready to forgive you and forget your past because he says in his scriptures that no man shall be judged with the sins of his past for when you are in Jesus,old things are past away  and everything has become new.
        Say No to Abortion, say No to fleshly desires that lead to abortion and give your life to Jesus Christ. Be a partner of Anti-Abortion.

                            LET'S HELP SAVE GROWING SOULS.

Abortion: Don't play God by taking life.

Every life deserves a life time.Every soul implanted into the womb of a woman deserves a life time. Abortion is a wicked act of growing life murder of which we humans play God by taking life.
  The rate at which abortion dominates the  society has become so terrible especially among youths who get themselves involved in premarital sin and every form of immorality of the flesh.Life are taken due to mistakes we make when you can always wait till the appointed God given time to have body satisfaction to the brim of it...Why not wait till then?, have you ever thought about what that baby planted in your womb is destined to be?.Remember the scripture says in Jeremiah 1:5: before you were conceived I know what you will become" that child you are forcing out of you has been destined to become someone  in life, that child you are evacuating out cries out for help when it notices those harmful substance against its formation Pierces its place of formation. Each time you commit an abortion, Satan rejoices because it deterring the plan and art work of God as the creator..the devil always want to put a stop to everything that promotes the will of God and we should not allow that to happen by putting a stop those acts that pleases the devil such as Abortion.
  Brethren the formation of a child is the work of God and abortion is an attempt to destroy the work of God. The scripture says in Ecc 3:4 : "I know that,whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever, nothing can be put into it, nor anything taken from it and God doeth it and one should fear it". This scripture is telling us that God is eternal and so are his work and no one should attempt to put an end to his word. Abortion is an attempt to make a liar out of God by bringing an end to his work...In Mathew 10:28 the scripture says " you can destroy a persons body but not the persons soul" so if you have committed an abortion, you have destroyed a body which is the work of God but not the soul.
   Brethren, you can make a U-turn in your life today and put an end to this satanic means of  getting more souls to hell.God is always ready to forgive you and forget your past because he says in his scriptures that no man shall be judged with the sins of his past for when you are in Jesus,old things are past away  and everything has become new.
        Say No to Abortion, say No to fleshly desires that lead to abortion and give your life to Jesus Christ. Be a partner of Anti-Abortion.

                            LET'S HELP SAVE GROWING SOULS.

God is good.

Monday 19 September 2016

A lesson from the meal Omelette

A lesson from the meal Omelette.

The taste of every meal is determined by what is being used in preparing the meal.
 Let's use an omelette as an example. An omelette is a meal whose major composition are is a very delicious meal of which every one will like to eat when it is being served but for an omelette to be delicious,the eggs to be used must be good.
  On the other hand,these eggs used in preparing an omelette goes through a natural means of production which through the hen and the hen is the source of it's existence. It is produced clean and healthy but natural, economic and agricultural factors/health factors can cause it to lose its natural good state which it has at its production state. But  remember it was once born clean and not rotten but factors resulted to it being rotten and not good for consumption of which if it has been properly managed under good condition it wouldn't have been rotten.
     Now in the preparation of an omelette, we must have our eggs ready...but there are good and rotten eggs so the choice it's yours to make. We also have an ability to detect a good egg and a rotten one so you can't give an excuse of not being aware if the egg is rotten nor good. If you are not able to detect from its shell,you can also detect it when the shells are broken because in preparing an omelette the egg shells are not but the contents inside the eggs, so your determining the egg to cook with is in your hands. If you cook with the rotten egg it will tasted in the omelette,if you cook with a good one,it will also reflect in the omelette...the product of the meal is what you give in during the preparation of the meal.

      The life we live is like this omelette because we are like eggs that came out of a source(God), born pure,natural, good, healthy,desirable and accepted by all at the stage of production but detested and ignored at the point of usage. The factors that cause this rejection is what we are exposed to in the world and what we embrace to ourselves from the world, we also have the ability to reject this factors. Now, in the preparation of the omelette which is personified to be your life, you need to use good eggs which means in perfecting your Life (no one is perfect but you can be near it) you need to imbibe good qualities and embrace good factors thereby rejecting factors that will make your life lose its good qualities. You need to channel your life to bring good reputable results just like a delicious omelette cooked with good eggs so that it will be pleasant to the mouth that cooked it.
God is the cook of your life ,he has already chosen you as eggs created pure, healthy ,sinless and delightful in his sight so do not allow the earthly factors to make you rotten in his eyes so that he can use you as one of the eggs selected in the preparation of an omelette. The day of selection is close,the  day of the great banquet is drawing near, make yourself available and in good state to be used , don't let yourself be rejected.

 On the last day, the selected will go and rejoice with God in heaven and the rejected will be cast to hell. Embrace the will of God in your life, accept his teachings, follow his commandment and do his will so you can be accepted by him.